
Which journals on this site would you like to register with?
  • Almatourism - Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development
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  • Annali Sismondi
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  • Antropologia e Teatro. Rivista di Studi
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  • Artes – Rivista di arte, letteratura e musica dell’Officina San Francesco Bologna
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  • Athena – Critical Inquiries in Law, Philosophy and Globalization
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  • Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar
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  • Cinergie – Il Cinema e le altre Arti
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  • Confluenze. Rivista di Studi Iberoamericani
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  • Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage
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  • Danza e ricerca
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  • Didattica della storia – Journal of Research and Didactics of History
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  • DIVE-IN – An International Journal on Diversity and Inclusion
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  • DNA – Di Nulla Academia
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  • Educazione interculturale
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  • Encyclopaideia
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  • EQA - International Journal of Environmental Quality
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  • Errantes – Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology
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  • European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes
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  • Figure
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  • Finzioni
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  • Governare la paura. Journal of interdisciplinary studies
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  • Griseldaonline
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  • Histories of Postwar Architecture
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  • i-lex
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  • img journal
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  • IN_BO. Ricerche e progetti per il territorio, la città e l'architettura
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  • INTRECCI d'arte
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  • IpoTesi di Preistoria
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  • Italian Journal of Mycology
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  • Italian Labour Law e-Journal
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  • Italiano a scuola
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  • Journal of Formalized Reasoning
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  • Labour & Law Issues
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  • Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads
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  • mediAzioni
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  • Museum, Materials and Discussions. Journal of Museum Studies
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  • Musica Docta
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  • piano b. Arti e culture visive
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  • PsicoArt – Rivista di arte e psicologia
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  • Puente@Europa
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  • I quaderni del m.æ.s. - Journal of Mediæ Ætatis Sodalicium
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  • Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education
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  • Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine
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  • Scritture migranti
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  • Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives
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  • Sociologica
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  • Statistica
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  • Studi Tributari Europei
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  • TECA
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  • Tecnoscienza – Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies
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  • Umanistica Digitale
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  • University of Bologna Law Review
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  • Urbana
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  • USAbroad – Journal of American History and Politics
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  • ZoneModa Journal
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